LEXUS ES330 2005年換右前門電動窗換馬達設定方法
The window motor will need to be retimed. It is somewhat of a difficult procedure. First remove the motor and regulator assembly. Remove the motor from the regulator. Plug the motor back in and press the auto down button and wait until the motor stops. Then hold the up button(not in auto) until the gear turns 10 revolutions. Then hold the regulator in the middle position and bolt the motor back on the regulator. Install the regulator assembly back in the door. Do not press the window switch in either direction using the auto while installing. Once completely installed press the auto down button and hold it at the bottom for two seconds and then up to the top and hold it for two seconds. Even knowing how to do it it may take me a few tries so don't get discouraged. Please leave only positive feedback. If you need more help just reply to this question. I will be glad to further assist.國外英文版.轉自網路~
Power Window Motor: Adjustments
If the jam protection is not functioned properly, perform the following procedure.
HINT: It is necessary to reset the power window motor (in initial position for the limit switch) when separating the window regulator from the
power window motor or operating the window regulator with the door glass not installed.
a. Remove the power window motor.
HINT: Place the matchmarks on the power window motor and window regulator gear.
b. Connect the power window motor and power window switch to wire harness of the vehicle.
c. Turn the ignition switch ON and operate the power window switch to idle the power window motor in UP side direction for more than 6 rotations
or less than 10 rotates (4 seconds or more).
d. Assemble the power window motor and regulator.
- Install the motor when the regulator arm is below the middle point.
- Align the matchmarks on the power window motor and window regulator gear when install the power window motor.
e. Assemble the power window regulator and door glass.
HINT: Never rotate the motor to the down direction until the completion of the window glass installation.
f. Connect power window switch to wire harness and turn the ignition switch ON.
g. Repeat UP and DOWN operation several times manually.
h. Check if AUTO UP AUTO DOWN operates in automatic operation.
- Take care that the jam protection function does not operate just after resetting.
- Reset the regulator again when performing the reverse operating after closing the window fully by AUTO UP operation.
i. Check the power window function.
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